Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Free Movie-Making App!

Want to learn how to turn your iPad into a functional movie camera?  Introducing the EGFC Filmmaking Bootcamps!  Over the next few months, we will be hosting short tutorials on how to use your iPad as a movie camera.  And what do you get out of this?  A free app!

The app is called MoviePro and it will not only change your iPad into a better movie camera, but also allow to edit you movie clips together.

To get this free app attend the first filmmaking bootcamp----

Wednesday, December 10
3:30 in Room 252

Then, you can make a film and submit it to our film festival for a chance to win hundreds of dollars in cash and prizes!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Holiday Film in December

In December, the EG Film Club will be screening a holiday film.  The screening will be held on December 17, 20014 in the EGHS theater.  Here are the choices.  Vote in the column on the right!

Christmas Vacation


Home Alone

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

The Polar Express

Monday, October 27, 2014

November Screening

In November, we will be screening THE DARK KNIGHT.  

Join us on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 at 7 pm in the Theater. Admission: $1

Friday, October 17, 2014

October Free Film Screening: INSIDIOUS

Halloween is coming!  In honor of the season, the EG Film Club will be presenting the 2010 horror movie, Insidious.  The film tells the terrifying story of a family trying to protect their young son from being controled by evil spirits.

The screening will take place on

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

7 pm

EGHS Theater

All are welcome.  Although the screening is free, please consider placing a dolalr or two in the donation jar.  Donations help us keep the club running and to continue offering such films each month.

See you there!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September Free Film Screening: Jumanji

Join the EGHS Film Club for a free screening of Jumanji, a 1995 film starring the late Robin Williams.

Date:  Wednesday, September 17
Time: 7 pm
Location: EGHS Theater

The screening is free to the public (donations accepted).

This is the first in our Free Movie Screening series.  Every month, the EG Film Club will screen a select film for the EGHS community.

Click here to download a flyer.

Monday, September 1, 2014

EGFC Technology Boost Fundraising Drive

This is going to be an exciting year.  Not only will the Elk Grove Film Club be sponsoring monthly community film screenings, we also plan on offering filmmaking workshops and hosting our first annual cinéStudent Film Festival in the spring.

In order to get this year off the ground, we need your help.  We have partnered with donorschoose.org to raise some funds in order to buy some equipment for us to get started.  Since most of our students have iPads, we are looking to get some equipment to turn this device into a full-fledged movie-making machine.  Any donation will be greatly appreciated for us to meet this goal.  Since donorschoose.org is a 503c charitable organization, any donation made to EGFC through donorschoose.org is completely tax deductible.

Check out the video below for more information about the Technology Boost Fundraising Drive:

This equipment will allow us to start making films, supporting the school in meaningful ways and offering others in the school the opportunity to use this technology.

Please visit our fundraising page at donorschoose.org for more information.

Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Welcome to the new school year!

Hopefully, everybody had a great summer.  See any good films? Our first meeting will be on Thursday, August 28 in room 252.  We will discuss our goals for the year and put together our film screening schedule.

Plus, we will look at some fundraising ideas and discuss the opportunities we have this year to make films for and about Elk Grove High School.  And, in the process, learn some important filmmaking techniques in the process.

Come to the meeting in room 252.

Bring a friend!

See you Thursday!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

EGFC Press Release: Elk Grove Film Club to Make Crowd-Sourced Video

***For immediate release***

Elk Grove Film Club to Make Crowd-Sourced Video

The new Elk Grove Film Club needs your video footage.  In a kick-off event inaugurating the new organization at Elk Grove High School, the film club will be producing a video containing footage shot by students, staff, parents and community members.

“Any video footage of Elk Grove High School will do,” says sponsor Bruce Janu.  “All that it needs to be is positive, uplifting and interesting.”

Crowd-sourcing is a relatively new technique in which people not associated with the production provide footage and pictures via email and social networks.

“People document their lives on their phones and tablets all the time,” explains Janu.  “And they have some great stuff that will never be used or seen.  Crowd-sourcing allows us to use that footage and celebrate it in a video.”

People who submit footage that ends up in the final video will have their names in the credits.  

“We want as many people involved as possible,” Janu says.  “This is a celebration of Elk Grove High School.”

The club is looking for video that displays interesting aspects of Elk Grove High School:  dances, practices, award ceremonies, athletic events, competitions, prom, graduation.  The footage then will most likely be incorporated into some type of music video.

“The candid shots are the best,” says Janu.  

People who want to submit footage can do so by emailing the footage to egfilmclub@gmail.com.  If the footage is already online, people can also just send the links.
More information can be found at the official website of the Elk Grove Film Club (http://www.eghsfilmclub.org)
Bruce Janu 
Elk Grove High School

Sunday, May 11, 2014

EGFC DIY Filmmaking: Episode 1

One thing this club will be doing is producing DIY filmmaking videos.  Here is our first video and others will follow in the coming year.  This one is about Green Screen technology.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Let's Make a Movie!

We are making a movie and we need your help!

We are Elk Grove will be a completely crowd-sourced video, filmed by you.  In order for this to work, we need your footage. Anything that you have on your camera, phone, or iPad that is of Elk Grove High School can be submitted.  What type of movie this ends up being will depend on the footage you send. There are only three rules:
  • Positive and interesting footage
  • Under 1 minute in length
  • Filmed horizontally (preferred, but if you have good footage filmed vertically, send it anyway)
We need footage from after school activities, games, prom, dances, homecoming, assemblies....anything you have that features Elk Grove High School can be submitted!    You can film yourself talking about Elk Grove, too.  This is open to not only students, but staff, parents, alumni and community as well!
By submitting footage, you have a chance to win a $25 iTunes gift card. Send as much footage as you want. The more you send, the more chances you have to win.  Drawings will be made on May 30.

Send your footage to egfilmclub@gmail.com.  (If your footage is over 25 mb in size, you can always send it via DropSend).  Please make sure you include your full name on each submission.

Any questions, see Mr. Janu in room 235.

* The $25 gift card is only available to Elk Grove students.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Welcome to the Elk Grove Film Club

Hello Grenation!

Welcome to the EGFC--a new club at school where film is the focus.  Starting in the fall of 2014, we will meet regularly in room 250.  Part of our goal is to not only make and edit films for the EGHS YouTube Channel, but also host film screenings, learn film techniques, host a film festival and much, much more.

We will meet for the first time on Thursday, May 8 to discuss an exciting opportunity to make a "crowdsourced" film about EG! Be sure to watch the announcements on Wednesday, May 7 for more information.

If you have any questions, see Mr. Janu in room 235.